Bacon & Potato Frittata


Frittatas really are a magical beast. Leftover pasta? Throw it in there. Roasted veggies? Why the hell not. 7 cheeses slowly rotting in your fridge? Lay it on me, sister. These statements may not inspire you to ever eat one of my frittatas, but I hope they have the potential to send you eagerly to your fridge to find your next combination of random foodstuffs.

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Stir Fried Noodles

angle far

Californians are still reeling from the shock and horror of the “worst storm to hit since 2008”. Chairs: knocked over. Drains: mildly over burdened. Pets: damp and smelly. It’s been a battle, but as usual we band together and find it within ourselves to overcome the trials and tribulations we feel as struggling citizens of this “golden” state.
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Beef & Lamb Meatballs with Tahini Sauce

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Santa-like jolliness is coursing through my veins like the buzz off a good mulled wine. Visions of cheese platters and frosted snowmen cookies prance around my brain and cloud my vision as I deal with every day “important” things like work, cat food (homemade, of course– what am I, a monster??), and health insurance (l’chaim, ObamaCare). Pandora has crafted the perfectly festive musical accompaniments, Deb is motivating me to be craftier, and ugly reindeer sweaters…well, they’re just a fact of life because there isn’t a fire vast enough to burn every last one.

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