Enchiladas, Part II


I shouldn’t even consider a re-made of my most successful post, especially since it involves a recipe from my amazing mother, but I can’t help myself. Enchiladas are so beautifully versatile, it would be like sticking with one kind of pizza for the rest of your life (home made pizza recipe coming up soon– stay tuned..). And no one is that foolish, right?

I know my mother will forgive me. She’s a real bro like that.
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Stir Fried Noodles

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Californians are still reeling from the shock and horror of the “worst storm to hit since 2008”. Chairs: knocked over. Drains: mildly over burdened. Pets: damp and smelly. It’s been a battle, but as usual we band together and find it within ourselves to overcome the trials and tribulations we feel as struggling citizens of this “golden” state.
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Homemade Ramen


We have a sad state of affairs here in the US of A. It is widely accepted that ramen, which in reality is a tasty treat that punches you in the face with savory goodness, is a packaged POS loaded with sodium and MSG. Oh sure, some clever folks will take the noodles, toss the “flavor packet” (ie, poopie pouch), add some julienned carrots and various vegetable florets, and call themselves the next Emeril. And this is appealing because that fleeting mistress Time beckons everyone to do other things in life, rather than spend a few more minutes crafting a meal that’s actually worth eating.
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