Swiss Chard Bread Pudding


Fun fact: Swiss chard is my favorite vegetable, aesthetically speaking. (The favorite tasting award is currently held by Brussels sprouts.) I’m not sure I captured the vibrancy of the sunset-colored stalks in my photo session, but they are unbelievably gorgeous. Paired with their dark and stormy leaves, chard is a dramatic little diva of a plant. (Yes, I am still talking about a vegetable. I’m officially a crunchy hippy weirdo, thank you very much).


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Stir Fried Noodles

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Californians are still reeling from the shock and horror of the “worst storm to hit since 2008”. Chairs: knocked over. Drains: mildly over burdened. Pets: damp and smelly. It’s been a battle, but as usual we band together and find it within ourselves to overcome the trials and tribulations we feel as struggling citizens of this “golden” state.
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Spaghetti alla Carbonara


I’m really struggling to write this post. Not because the food was uninspiring, or I’m in a drunken stupor, or any legitimate reason. It’s all because I saw the Hunger Games this week and that horribly catchy (and quite disturbing) “Hanging Tree” song is running a repeat marathon on a loop in my brain. Please, someone have pity on me and play a T-Swift song to knock me off this track. I will pay you in pasta to do me this one small favor.
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